Software/Application Support - Unique System Skills LLC

Software/Application Support

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Software/Application Support

Managing the number and complexity of applications in a business can prove very challenging for IT employees. USS offers end-to-end 24×7 application support to ensure business continuity. Our skilled experts will provide services at the L1, L2, and L3 levels. L1 or Front Line Support helps in the day-to-day operation of the business by receiving and prioritizing incoming requests and issues, solving them, or sending them to L2 for troubleshooting. The root cause of the issues will be determined through logs that L2 includes in its troubleshooting process. In a related manner, L3 will debug and fix any issues that are found and will add new features if necessary. Furthermore, this team will provide tailored software support along with cybersecurity tools.

We manage multiple aspects of cloud-based operations, such as database administration, security compliance, and performance reports, as well as assisting with software deployment and management throughout the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC), including analysis, planning, software development, software testing, and deployment. With SDLC, high-quality software can be produced in the shortest time and at the lowest possible cost.

Disaster Recovery can provide an organization with a structure to prepare for and recover from unexpected events. Pandemics, Building collapses, and Application Failures can be global disasters (disasters spreading worldwide), national disasters (disasters affecting all countries), or a combination of these disasters. Our Risk Management team will help you identify various risks that affect your business, determine critical business processes to plan for disaster operations, provide backup sites, and test your strategy for effectiveness.

Change Management, in simplest words, is the method of preparing for and implementing the changes to a business. It is true that change brings growth opportunities, however, it is not instant and must be planned for, as business owners fear that they will not be able to adapt to the changes and lose their value. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the organizational change process has become much more complex, as it has caused a number of companies to cease conducting business. As a solution to those challenges, we will create a comprehensive communication plan that entails all stakeholders in planning and creating an ideal future image for an organization.